Only have a minute? Enjoy and share these brief, one minute videos that introduce different aspects of iron collecting.
#35: A beautiful Neuremburger iron
#34: Rare 1882 Sad Iron Heater
#32: 1872 Myers Goat Fluter Iron
#31: 1854 Rotating Fuel Iron, Boston
#30: World's Oldest Electric Iron
#29: Pease Charcoal/Flat/Fluter Iron
#28: Kerosene Stove & Sad Iron Heater
#27: Laundry Stove & Sad Iron Heater
#26: Nelson StreeterFlat & Fluting Iron
#25: Coal to Natural Gas transition
#24: Mrs. Potts Detachable Iron Sets
#23: Commercial Polishing Iron for Collars
#22: Circa 1912 TailorNatral Gas Flat Irons
#20: A Slug Hat Iron
#19: A 19th Century Belgian Slug Iron
#18: Teensy Mrs. Potts Sad Iron
#16: A Cool Rotating Iron
#15: A German Coal Tailor's Iron
#14: A Glass Iron
#13: Snake Trivet
#11: European Fuel Irons
#10: Trouser Press Iron
#9: Weird Slug Iron
#8: Quick Meal Sad Iron Heater
#6: The Gem Fluter
#3: Liquid Fuel Iron