Article: Sad Iron Man: A Maine Geologist featuring Kevin & Kate McCartney. Collector's Weekly, 8/21/2020.
Only have a minute? Enjoy one of these brief, one minute videos that introduce different aspects of iron collecting.
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PITCA members Kevin and Kate McCartney live in Caribou, Maine. Together, they continue to produce an extensive series of videos about iron collecting that can be found at Kevin Talks Irons on YouTube. (Links to each individual video are shared below.)
This series debuted on June 14, 2020 and features Kevin talking about a wide variety of topics related to antique pressing irons, collecting, antiquing, and a few biographies of the more prominent iron inventors. It's intended to educate and entertain the avid collector, beginning collector, antique shop owner, pickers and novices alike. Each video is a mini lesson on a different topic about irons.
If you'd like to be the first to know when a new video is released, make sure you Subscribe to their YouTube channel and don’t forget to give a Thumbs Up 👍 to each video!
#92: 1800s English and Dutch Goffering Irons Pre-iron crimping devices ~ goffering stacks.
#91: 1600-1800s Western European Coal Irons An overview of the different styles of antique European coal irons.
#20 Buying Old IronsTechniques and strategies for buying irons.
#22 Millinery (Ball, Egg & Flower) Irons
#23 Wood Stove Heaters for Old Irons
#25 Foundries that Manufactured Old Irons
#26 Finding & Reading Old Iron Patents
#30 Standing Irons (mostly Goffers)
#32 Kerosene Stoves and the Sad Iron Heaters that love them
#33 Natural Gas Sad Iron Heaters
#36 The Old Irons of Nelson R. Streeter
#38 Top 10 Old Irons for the Beginning Collector
#40 Asbestos - Dover and Related Old Irons
#41 Mangles and other Wooden Devices for Pressing Fabric
#42 American Small and Toy Old Irons
#43 Old Sad Irons as Advertising
#50 Documenting Your Collection
#51 Twenty-five Categories of American Laundry Irons
#53 Monitor & Royal (Gasoline) Sad Irons
#54 Firing Up the 1903 Monitor Gasoline Iron
#55: Using a Coal Iron in India
#56: Testing Ftat Irons vs Slug Irons
#57: Old Irons in (the Original) Boxes
#58: Imperial Brass gasoline irons
#59: At Convention: Favorite Old Irons of PITCA Members
#60: Old Irons with "Something Special"
#65: IWANTU and UNEEDIT Natural Gas Sad Irons
#66: Blacksmithed Wrought/Forged Sad Irons
#67: "Interesting" old sad irons
#68: "Interesting" fluter/fluting Irons
#69: Fluter/fluting Irons Variability
#70: The Howell Co. from Geneva, Illinois
#71: The A.C. Williams foundry
#73: American Machine Company fluting irons and trade cards
#74: Old irons with Animal themes
#76: A Tour of the Old Iron Inn B&B Collection
#79: Tole & Other Painted Irons
#80: Coleman Gasoline & Electric Irons
#81: Firing Up a 1913 Acorn Gasoline Iron
#82: Sad Irons from the Wapak Hollow Ware Company
#83: More Sad Iron Heating Devices
#86: Antique collecting "Go-Withs"