PITCA Friendships


Many people ask me what the annual convention means. PITCA is an unusual club. Yes, it is based on collecting irons and trivets, but more than that, it's based on the friendships we make along the way, which is the most wonderful part of our club and its annual gathering. The members whom I have met are not acquaintences, but true friends who care about each other.

Our Friday morning adventures can take you to a local garden or arboretum, a museum, or an antique shop. It's always a surprise and pleasure. You never know what's in store at the Friday and Saturday night banquet dinners, but there is always great fun and lots of laughs.

The Saturday morning Buy-and-Sell session with much wheeling and dealing is better than any Black Friday, with everyone rushing in as the doors open. The Saturday afternoon displays of irons or trivets (or something unexpected) are better than any Macy's window display. When the Sunday morning goodbyes come, saying "See you next year" is hard.

If you haven't been to our annual convention you are missing one very special event and missing out on friendships you could be forming and then holding onto for years to come. So, please come and have a great time with us! Wait until you see what we have planned for Friday night's dinner. We may have outdone ourselves ...

Each summer PITCA holds a national Convention at a midwest location. A major Auction is usually held on the Thursday before. 

Join PITCA and join us at Convention time!

Jerry Marcus (Secretary/Treasurer of PITCA) & Jeannie Marcus (2022-2023 PITCA President).