✽ The William "Buck" Carson Antique Iron Auction, Part II was held on Thursday, July 28, 2022. PRICES REALIZED   

The 37th ANNUAL PITCA CONVENTION followed on Friday & Saturday, July 29-30, 2022. The host hotel was, once again, the Pittsburgh PA North Marriott. Convention highlights included a visit to the Carnegie Museum of Natural History followed by Presentations, Member Displays, and the opportunity to Buy & Sell. A banquet dinner was enjoyed on both Friday and Saturday nights, followed by entertainment.

Benefits of attending a PITCA Convention!

  • Where can I find irons and trivets to add to my collection? At the PITCA Convention! There's a day-long auction and then a Buy-and-Sell period. There's no better place to see more good irons and trivets for sale.
  • Where can I sell some of my irons and trivets? At the PITCA Convention! There are lots of other collectors there ready-and-willing to pay fair (not unrealistic) prices. Don't bring common irons; everyone has those already.
  • Where can I meet other iron and trivet collectors? At the PITCA Convention! You'll meet new collectors, experienced collectors, owners of small collections, and owners of big collections. You won't meet snobbish collectors.
  • Where can I learn about irons and trivets? At the PITCA Convention! There are various kinds of presentations by those who know, e.g., slide shows, talks, displays and more. 

The Carnegie Museum