✽ The William "Buck" Carson Antique Iron Auction, Part II was held on Thursday, July 28, 2022. PRICES REALIZED   

The 37th ANNUAL PITCA CONVENTION followed on Friday & Saturday, July 29-30, 2022. The host hotel was, once again, the Pittsburgh PA North Marriott. Convention highlights included a visit to the Carnegie Museum of Natural History followed by Presentations, Member Displays, and the opportunity to Buy & Sell. A banquet dinner was enjoyed on both Friday and Saturday nights, followed by entertainment.

Benefits of attending a PITCA Convention!

  • Where can I find irons and trivets to add to my collection? At the PITCA Convention! There's a day-long auction and then a Buy-and-Sell period. There's no better place to see more good irons and trivets for sale.
  • Where can I sell some of my irons and trivets? At the PITCA Convention! There are lots of other collectors there ready-and-willing to pay fair (not unrealistic) prices. Don't bring common irons; everyone has those already.
  • Where can I meet other iron and trivet collectors? At the PITCA Convention! You'll meet new collectors, experienced collectors, owners of small collections, and owners of big collections. You won't meet snobbish collectors.
  • Where can I learn about irons and trivets? At the PITCA Convention! There are various kinds of presentations by those who know, e.g., slide shows, talks, displays and more. 

Carson Auction Preview

The William "Buck" Carson Antique Iron Auction, Part II  was held Thursday, July 28, 2022. All items were on preview the evening before and the morning of the auction.  PRICES REALIZED 


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